God So Loved - gray - notecard

A New Creation

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For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV

BACK: Susan Lynne's healing testimony:
In 1991, I was diagnosed with an advanced form of cancer. While I was hospitalized and unaware of the seriousness of my situation, some friends of mine asked if they could pray with me. Of course, I said “yes,” and as they started to pray, I began to feel a warm, electric sensation start at the top of my head, move through my body and out of my feet. I knew at that moment, that God had healed me. Why would God heal me? After all, I was just a cleaning lady. What could I ever do?  

Then, late one night, in March of 2004, while sitting in my car at a red light, God spoke to me in an audible voice. He said, “Make Purses” and then gave me a vision of Jesus on a purse. I reminded God, in case He had forgotten, that I had no money to do this, I didn’t know anything about business, and I couldn’t sew. But, I said “Ok... I’ll do it.”  So, with God, and the help of many people, I introduce you to my company, "A New Creation."

Any questions? Contact Susan Lynne: 330.391.2786 or anewcreation03@aol.com.

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