Perfect - Vertical - hanging banner

mara bochart design

Our hanging banner is a lightweight, matte material with beautiful, fabric-like texture and includes two rod pockets (top and bottom) for you to insert a decorative rod and/or poles. We recommend a decorative rod at the top with an inexpensive wooden dowel rod for weight at the bottom.

Hebrews 10:14 

It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. MSG

For by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. NLT

A dear friend cut down thorn bushes behind our Shine Living gallery. Out of her serving heart came this beautiful crown of thorns.

For many months I kept hearing the word “perfect”. I felt the Lord was saying this piece of artwork is the encircling essence of the 175 others I have created and all I will do in the future. Every answer can be found in Jesus. He has done everything through His perfect sacrifice. We cannot add anything, through any kind of works, to what He did for us. It was finished at the Cross and we can rest in Him.  Thank You Jesus!

Coordinating Designs: Sharper Than, Armor and Protection, Sword of the Spirit

"Perfect" is also available in a horizontal format

•  copyright © watermark will not be on final artwork
•  unless noted, orders ship within 2-3 days

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