Redeeming Grace - notecard

mara bochart design

...He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation... Colossians 1:22 NIV

We have been set free! As a bird lifts up and takes flight - we too can soar to heavenly heights by the redeeming Grace of God. Through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ we have been lifted out of our sin and shame to stand holy before Him.

This artwork depicts a detailed photo of a decorative bird’s wing. In the center of the spiraling design is the Cross - our symbol and promise of being reconciled to Him.

May we be set free from all that holds us captive - to freely soar with the wind of the Holy Spirit beneath our wings!    

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•  copyright © watermark will not be on final artwork
•  unless noted, orders ship within 2-3 days

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