This Cup - premium canvas

mara bochart design

"New Covenant" Collection of 4: In Remembrance, My Body, My Blood, This Cup  
(can be purchased separately OR coordinated together)

“This cup is the new covenant between God and His people - an agreement confirmed with My blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.” Luke 22:20 NLT

The Jewish people had long observed the Passover, a celebration commemorating their rescue from slavery in Egypt.  In the upper room, Jesus revealed a new, spiritual Passover.  At the cross His broken body would rescue slaves of sin; His shed blood would protect them from eternal death. In the upper room Jesus revealed the New Covenant, an unbreakable promise that God welcomes sinners through Jesus Christ.

The bread featured is a hand-crafted artisan loaf. Like Jesus, it is perfectly unique and gives life to any who will take it in. The goblet portrayed is filled with wine from Cana, Israel. Hidden in the goblet’s rim is a heart, a beautiful reflection of Jesus’ motivation for everything.

•  artwork will include this story tag
•  copyright © watermark will not be on final artwork
•  unless noted, orders ship within 2-3 days

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